This is stated in project 2025. Which many of us tried telling the stupid idiots among us about. And their statement was he said he was not going to use it. Well hello idiots he is using it. Most of the executive orders he has signed are all from Poject 2025!

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They they should step up their absurd tee shirt and candy sales. Coming through DC airport yesterday and yes there were D tRump shirts everywhere and his face on candy bars! Really the President of the USA on candy bar wrappers??? Good heavens aren’t they embarrassed???

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It’s truly embarrassing

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Want to know something more ridiculous? Those things were in the DC airports before he won the election!

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I love this new precedent of reversing all the work of your predecessor. That will definitely make things better..

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Great to keep this s&*% visible. Project2025 is the playbook. We must keep score and keep it visible.

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Their level of greed is sickening. 😕

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They’re amassing more wealth than anyone could spend in a lifetime while the rest of us struggle. It’s pure evil.

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Ok, DNC. This is your cue. Stop playing identity politics, stop with the “oh that’s racist” every 10 seconds, and start campaigning on all of these real material issues.

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So at the same time they have federal workers fearing for their jobs, they want them to increase their FERS contributions?

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They will do the best they can to end Federal pensions, they've already been talking about it. Federal jobs are some of the last Union represented, living wage paying jobs with a pension left in America. Good and safe jobs like this don't exist anymore thanks to union busting Republicans. They've got to keep us poor, exhausted, and working three jobs to pay our bills.

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Best way for the f*ers to reduce cradle-to-grave support is what they are doing - reduce the time between cradle and grave!

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Either these wealthy idiots never studied the French Revolution and what led up to it or they’ve forgotten

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I am so sick and tired of the term “entitlement.” We all paid into Social Security and Medicare our whole lives, to help prepare for living in old age…when we were supposed to not have to work anymore. Many of us can’t work now with health issues; those who still can have already been going back to work in their 70’s and even 80’s here, just to pay their bills. The federal government should be ashamed of itself. It outright denies people of all ages what they truly need. This all just is the icing on the cake for these Fascist jackasses.

It’s our money, just like any other retirement fund. Not just some handout. There should be some legal backup for this. Robbing a fund that millions of people rely on to survive is criminal. These programs are, and have been, horribly managed over many years; there’s no reason why Social Security should ever run out of money. Shortcomings should have planned for and issues been rectified years ago. For one, those rich bastards in D.C. pushing for all this only paid a few months per year at best into these programs, with the damn cap that they refuse to abolish, for most of their greedy lives.

It’s actual, necessary income for so many of us. Nothing more than pocket change to them. And with paying ever escalating prices in not only goods and services, but having to regularly replace large appliances and other major expense items that now have life expectancies of half what they used to, homeowners and other insurances going up 40% or more every year, increased property taxes and larger HOA fees, etc…even those of us who thought they had planned fairly well for retirement are getting hit bad financially.

Funds are diminishing at alarming rates. Many of us will lose everything if they get their way. Then what…with little or no financial income/assistance to live off of? Go live in your car, and/or that refrigerator box from the recently purchased fridge that cleaned out your savings? And how are our children and children’s children going to survive financially, now and in the future? Horse shit, all of it.

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What happened to these rich dudes???? Do they lack compassion? Brains? Empathy?? Why on Gods green earth would you want to murder innocent men, women and especially children?? Why would you support someone so evil just for money? May God help you. I know he will always be there for me and all believers. Too bad none of you are. You have literally sold your souls to Satan. Shame on you.

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They’ve been doing this all my life. GOP hates democracy and does all it can to undermine it ~ they are anti American

I’m now 73 yo

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Lol the Project 2025 slide has a row that says, "Impose more red tape." At least they are up front about it.

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When will people learn that Trump lies about everything?! Of course he knew about Project 2025. One of the authors is his choice for OMB director, for god’s sake, who issued the illegal, unconstitutional budget freeze order.

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We tried to tell them.

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Derp. Oligarchy is what the trump “presidency” is all about.

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Yep -- we are watching it play out in real time. At least they were arrogant enough to lay out the game plan in Project 2025 so we know what is coming and can strategize in advance on how to resist.

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